Wednesday, February 09, 2011

New Generation - Better Generation

New Generation - Better Generation

Each successive generations are better than the previous ones. This is due to various factors. One of the reasons is that the new generations have the advantage of a better enlightened parents comparedto the previous ones. Another reason is that there is lot of intermingling with larger number of persons. One more reason is the all round progress of technologies where there is diversion for the mind. Then there is more freedom to the present generation from their parents comparing to the previous ones. This reduces the tension of conflicts allowing more time to concentrate on the work in hand. There are more avenues for furthering the interests of the individuals comparing to previous generations. The development of internet and internet sharing, social groups interactions, visual media news etc have given enough scope for development of the personality and knowledge of the individuals. We can expect to have better citizens with each successive generations and can expect a better world to live.

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